Õppekomplekt (English Form 3)

High Five! 3

Inglise keel 3. klassile

1. Module 1. Let’s Start!

1.1. Hello!
Tasuta tutvumiseks!
1.2. Colourful London
1.3. Welcome!
1.4. Module 1 Review

2. Module 2. My Family and I

2.1. Chapter 1. Let’s Count!
2.2. Family Members
2.3. The King Family
2.4. Let’s Practise!
2.5. Action! I’m, You’re ...
2.6. Chapter 2. Toys and Things
2.7. What’s This? Is It a Present?
2.8. Happy Birthday!
2.9. Let’s Practise!
2.10. Action! Are You Two?
2.11. Chapter 3. Do You Have a Pet?
2.12. Go Ahead! Animals
2.13. So Many Animals!
2.14. Let’s Practise!
2.15. Action! So Many Balls!
2.16. Chapter 4. Rattingham Palace
2.17. Let’s Practise!
2.18. Module 2 Review

3. Module 3. At Home

3.1. Chapter 5. Chips? Yes, Please.
3.2. Go Ahead! Food and Drinks
3.3. Blue Juice?
3.4. Let’s Practise!
3.5. Action! I Like ...
3.6. Chapter 6. Spaghetti, Please.
3.7. Go Ahead! Carrots or Bananas?
3.8. Dinner’s Ready!
3.9. Let’s Practise!
3.10. Sounds Good! [p] and [b]
3.11. Chapter 7. Where’s the Cat?
3.12. Go Ahead! In a House
3.13. Numbers 13–20
3.14. Where Are You?
3.15. Let’s Practise!
3.16. Sounds Good! [k] and [g]
3.17. Chapter 8. Rosie’s Tea Party
3.18. Let’s Practise!
3.19. Module 3 Review

4. Module 4. My Day

4.1. Chapter 9. What Day Is It Today?
4.2. Go Ahead! Just a Minute
4.3. Numbers (10–100)
4.4. Poor Cuckoo!
4.5. Let’s Practise!
4.6. Sounds Good! [t] and [d]
4.7. Chapter 10. What Can I Do?
4.8. Go Ahead! I Can Cook
4.9. Great Dancers
4.10. Let’s Practise!
4.11. Action! Yes, I Can!
4.12. Chapter 11. Tick, Tock
4.13. Go Ahead! Let’s Play Basketball!
4.14. Go, High Five!
4.15. Let’s Practise!
4.16. Sounds Good! [s] and [ʃ]
4.17. Chapter 12. Wake up, Charlie!
4.18. Let’s Practise!
4.19. Module 4 Review

5. Module 5. My Friends and I

5.1. Chapter 13. Touch Your Nose
5.2. Go Ahead! Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
5.3. A Night at the Bookshop
5.4. Let’s Practise!
5.5. Action! I Have a Tiger, He Has a Lion
5.6. Chapter 14. Socks and Shoes
5.7. Go Ahead! Whose Jacket Is This?
5.8. What a Mess!
5.9. Let’s Practise!
5.10. Action! Off We Go!
5.11. Chapter 15. Let’s Go!
5.12. Go Ahead! Let’s Have a Picnic!
5.13. An Amazing Day
5.14. Let’s Practise!
5.15. Sounds Good! [θ] and [ð]
5.16. Chapter 16. You Never Know!
5.17. Let’s Practise!
5.18. Module 5 Review

6. Extras

6.1. This Year
6.2. Extra Texts. Tom and Molly
6.3. Extra Texts. Emma and Simon
6.4. I’m Baking
6.5. He’s Not Singing
6.6. Are You Playing the Piano?

7. Festivals

7.1. Halloween
7.2. Christmas
7.3. Valentine’s Day
7.4. Easter

8. Fingertips (Grammar)

8.1. Fingertips 1. My Family and I
8.2. Fingertips 2. At Home
8.3. Fingertips 3. My Day
8.4. Fingertips 4. My Friends and I
8.5. Fingertips Extra
8.6. Sounds Good!
8.7. Animations
Tasuta tutvumiseks!

9. Dictionary

9.1. Inglise–eesti sõnastik
9.2. Eesti–inglise sõnastik

10. The Alphabet

10.1. Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff
10.2. Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll
10.3. Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq
10.4. Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv
10.5. Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz

11. Additional material

11.1. Definitions
11.2. Impressum
Palun oota